Wednesday, March 9, 2016

You and discrimination







This article is an addendum to the mechanics of discrimination.


You and discrimination

We have explored how discrimination works in the mechanics of discrimination. We know the behavior is natural and depends on information. We also know that simple negative messages resonate more than complex explanations. Politicians who know how it works, can use it for good or for bad.

So, now.. what?

How can this information benefit me?

In my country we have a large community of Turks and Moroccans. Both Turkey and Morocco are Islamic countries. Due to social economic circumstances they formed close-nit groups in major cities (they were brought in as temporary low paid industrial workers).
Via the mechanics of discrimination we now have three distinct groups. Turks, Moroccans and native Dutch. We have had struggles. This is not so strange. Muslims of course are potential terrorists. Furthermore Turks and Moroccans are criminally inclined, unreliable, lazy and they steal our jobs. Their culture is primitive. They are about 200-400 years behind.
The Dutch of course are all arrogant and condescending. They divide the good jobs amongst themselves and keep any colored people out*. They are decadent and immoral. All their women are whores. They know nothing about Islam and are all atheists.

*though our government policy is that of positive discrimination, requiring certain amounts of new Dutch in certain jobs, the practice by industry is quite different.

The question arises, is this all actually true? 

What do Dutch people do in their daily lives? 

And Moroccans and Turks? 

What does anyone do?

Most people in the world do the same exact things. The Chinese wake up in the morning and prepare breakfast for their children. The Dutch bring their children to school and go to work. Sometimes both a Turkish husband and a Turkish wife have a job, sometimes the wife stays at home. American children get out of school somewhere in the afternoon. They followed various classes from biology to literature. After school Japanese children have activities like sports or go home to play or study. South African office workers get out of work around 16:00-17:00. German parents prepare the evening meal when they get home. They talk to their children and look over their homework. Afterwards they watch TV. In the evening Argentinian parents go to sleep, their youngest children having done so just a few hours earlier.
Next to this we all have the sports we follow, the debates we engage in and similar life goals we want to achieve. Marriage, kids, career.

The company i work for employs a lot of new Dutch. I found that there is nothing to support the notions i had earlier in my life about Moroccans and Turks. There are lazy, nasty, cheating, backward and obstinate Turks. Just like there are lazy, nasty, cheating, backward and obstinate Dutch. There are super awesome, wise and well behaved Turks. However most Turkish people do what i do, think about things like i do. They might not eat pork...big deal. In practice they are just another colleague. They do feel a bit discriminated against, which is true, and which is natural.

Yes there are actual but mostly superficial differences. Some do matter. Islamic culture has stood still for centuries with respect to certain behavior, like female rights, though not so long ago it was the most modern culture in the world. Dutch people are keeping the good jobs to themselves and know little about Islam though think they know enough.

In summary: we humans are really not that different. It is the mechanics of discrimination that is our enemy. Dutch women are not whores and Moroccans are not lazy. By and large we are and act the same. When we grow up we just get different tags attached to our brains, our group identities. The mechanics of discrimination do the rest. They make us susceptible to misinformation. Most of what we believe, or rather feel about the other is not true. Futhermore all morals are taught and arbitrary. Judging others by them is hardly fair. Our behavior of course is still guided by the mechanics of discrimination, with almost exclusively negative consequences.

So, where is my benefit?

Well, it is in your behavior. Seek out the other side. Get to know a black person, a white person, an Islamic person, a Christian person. Your fears will subside when you realize they are much like you, and have no intention of killing you or locking you up*. Remember, the salience of features based on which we discriminate in the world is influenced greatly by information, both from experience and teaching. Once you know a Moroccan orange usually tastes great, you will feel comfortable buying them from a Turk ;). You will become less vulnerable to bad politicians spreading divisive messages. You will even get to know yourself better, recognizing the me in the other.

*i advise you to avoid the stupid people, the ones with the hate banners and little books that contain the ''only truth''. they do want to lock you up. their followers are often just scared or programmed.

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